Maintenance of accounting records, revenue and expense ledgers, revenue registries

I. Maintaining accounting records

  • verification of documents in terms of accounting correctness,
  • assignment of documents and registry in accounts in accordance with the applicable principles and based on content description,
  • maintaining accounts (sales and purchases records) for the purpose of correct settlement of VAT and EU VAT,
  • maintaining fixed and intangible assets account,
  • monitoring and reconciliation of accounts,
  • assets and liabilities stock-taking based on a verification of balances against source documentation,
  • drawing up tax statements,
  • drawing up annual tax statements,
  • drawing up statements for the Polish Central Statistical Office and the National Bank of Poland,
  • representing the customer during audits by the Fiscal Authority and Social Insurance Institution submitting, on the Client's behalf, tax statements in electronic form.

II. Maintaining revenue and expense ledgers

  • maintaining revenue and expense ledgers,
  • maintaining records for the purposes of VAT settlements and other records as required by tax authorities,
  • settling import–export transactions,
  • maintaining fixed assets accounts,
  • drawing up annual personal income tax returns,
  • drawing up, on the Client's request, statements for the Polish Central Statistical Office,
  • preparing wire transfers with respect to tax and social insurance payments,
  • monitoring payments with respect to personal income tax and VAT,
  • representing the customer during audits by the Fiscal Authority and Social Insurance Institution,
  • submitting, on the Client's behalf, tax statements in electronic form.

III. Maintaining a revenue registry (flat-rate tax on recorded revenue without deductible costs)

  • maintaining a revenue registry,
  • maintaining accounts (sales and purchases records) for the purposes of correct VAT settlement,
  • maintaining fixed assets accounts,
  • drawing up tax returns.

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Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych oraz Rozporządzenia 2016/679. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do przetworzenia zapytania. Zostałem poinformowany, że przysługuje mi prawo dostępu do swoich danych, możliwości ich poprawiania, żądania zaprzestania ich przetwarzania. Administratorem danych osobowych jest DORADCA Zespół Doradców Finansowo-Księgowych Sp. z o.o. Więcej informacji dot. ochrony danych osobowych znajdą Państwo w polityce prywatności. Klikając WYŚLIJ akceptujesz wszystkie powyższe warunki


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