Audits of financial statements
We conduct audits of individual and consolidated financial statements drawn up in accordance with Polish accounting principles as laid down in the Act on Accounting of 29 September 1994, and in line with the International Financial Reporting Standards.
Audits are performed by independent and impartial members of our auditing team (composed of expert auditors listed in the Register of Expert Auditors maintained by the National Council of Expert Auditors, as well as experts in particular fields) and in accordance with the National Financial Auditing Standards.
We strictly adhere to the principles of professional ethics while the adopted mechanisms of accepting and performing orders ensure absolute impartiality and independence of the auditor and any other persons involved in the audit.
Our methodology in approaching the process of financial auditing can be summarised as follows:
1. identification of the Client's needs,
2. understanding of the Client's industry sector and the risks entailed in the Client's operations,
3. analysis of the processes and effectiveness of the Client's internal control mechanisms,
4. preparation of the audit plan and performance of necessary tests (procedures),
5. preparation of the final documents detailing audit findings (opinion and report).
For many years we have occupied top position on Rzeczpospolita daily ranking lists of the largest auditing companies on the market; we have also received numerous regional awards.
Our offer is also addressed to entities not required to have their financial statements audited and includes reviews of books and accounting documents. Such reviews are conducted in a less formalised way compared to audits, and their aim is to verify the correctness and reliability of the Client company's bookkeeping.