Reviews of financial statements

We perform reviews of individual and consolidated (shortened) financial statements for a period shorter than a single accounting year and drawn up at a time different from the balance sheet day, compiled in accordance with Polish accounting laws provided in the Act on Accounting of 29 September 1994, and International Financial Reporting Standards.
The aim of a review is to issue an expert auditor's opinion with regard to the presence or absence of any identifiable concerns that would render the reviewed statements non-compliant with the applicable accounting requirements as well as to verify the clarity and accuracy of data provided therein with regard to all significant aspects of the given entity's assets, financial standing and financial result.

A review predominantly involves an analysis of financial data, accounting records, as well as information obtained from the entity's management and staff. At the end of the review, the expert auditor issues an audit report.
Semi-annual reviews of financial statements can be a source of valuable information to the management body of a business entity. They allow early identification of any inconsistencies, flaws in accounting and internal control systems as well as an overview of the general financial standing. Data collected during the review can later be used by the auditor for the purposes of the annual audit of the entity's financial statements.


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